High Country Barn – Salisbury, MD
Project Description:
This Salisbury, MD 24’x30′ double-wide modular barn in Trailside style barn was built with duratemp T-111 siding painted with clay paint by Haley Paint Company. The window trim and door crossbucks and trim are painted brown. It has 3 pitch rafters and architectural shingle roof with GAF Timberline HD (Shakewood Color) shingles. The windows are brown aluminum single-hung windows by Bird-In-Hand Windows. The window shutters and the 6’x7′ roll door with window are built by J&N Structures.
This modular barn has (2) 12’x15′ stalls, a 12’x10′ storage room, a 12’x10′ tack room and a 12’x10′ aisle. The stalls have a swinging 4’x7′ stall door with yoke, a window, and a dutch door to the outside. The tack room has floor and (2) windows and a service door. The storage room has floor and a window and a sliding door. The double-wide is designed for quick on-site setup.
City: Salisbury
State: Maryland
Manufactured in: Lititz, PA (Lancaster County)
Dimensions: 24'x30'