Why “Build-it-Yourself” Garage Kits are a BAD Investment
If you’ve ever considered purchasing a “build-it-yourself” garage kit, you’ll want to think twice before you invest. While these DIY garage kits may seem like an economical way to build a detached storage structure, there are many drawbacks that can make them more trouble than they’re worth.
With over 20+ years of experience, the barn and garage building experts at J&N Structures are delivering the TRUTH about cheap garage kits including their costs, requirements, warranties and more.
Keep reading to learn more about common issues with build-it-yourself garage kits and stay tuned to discover the actual best way to build a garage affordably!
DIY Garage Kit Downsides
On the surface, DIY garage kits sound like a way to inexpensively erect a detached garage that is “good enough” for what you need. Time and time again though, we’ve seen build-it-yourself garage kits turn out to be a bad investment – for both financial and other reasons.
- They’re Extremely Time Consuming – Build-it-yourself garage kits require a tremendous amount of labor, even if you’re handy. For those who work a job, take care of a family, or have other pre-existing commitments, it can be daunting trying to find extra time in your day to dedicate to constructing a cheap garage kit.
- They Need Special Tools & Skills – Building a DIY garage kit isn’t the same as building a simple DIY shelf – they require specialized tools and advanced skills that average homeowners may not have on hand! If you’re considering a cheap DIY garage kit strictly to keep costs down, you’ll want to add the price of purchasing or renting the proper tools you’ll need to your total.
- They Typically Have Shorter Lifespans – There’s no way around it: long-standing craftsmen deliver long-standing quality. If this is one of the first build-it-yourself garage kits you’re tackling, the longevity and durability most likely will not be as on par as the professionals.
- They Accumulate Unexpected Costs – Not only do most build-it-yourself garage kits require special tools and skills, they also put you at risk for unforeseen expenses that come up during the construction process. Between buying spare parts, new tools, permits and accessories, you could end up with a garage that costs significantly more than what you intended to pay!
- They’re Limited in Customizability – If a cool-looking, cutting-edge garage design is up your alley, you’re NOT going to find it in a cheap garage kit. Unlike most popular modular garage styles, DIY garage kits cannot be customized with siding materials, lofts, roof types,
- The Craftsmanship ISN’T Backed by Warranty – When a professional builds your garage, they almost always back their craftsmanship up by warranty. But when you assemble a cheap DIY garage kit yourself, there is no one to provide insured coverage in case something breaks or falls apart!
Is a Cheap Garage Kit Right for You?
If you’re unsure of whether a cheap garage kit is the right option for you, ask yourself the following questions:
- How much time do I realistically want to spend on this project?
- What does my budget allow for?
- How long do I want this garage to structurally last?
- Do I have prior construction experience that could help make this project a success?
- What is my history with DIY projects? Do I finish on-time and on-budget, or do I tend to not finish the job I start?
Your answers to these questions should help guide you to a decision of whether a cheap DIY garage kit or a professionally built modular garage would be the best choice for you – but ONLY if you answer them honestly!
For personalized assistance determining the differences between cheap garage kits vs custom built, contact our Amish garage contractors today or explore more articles on our blog.
What is the Best Way to Build a Garage Affordably?
At J&N Structures, we’re professional barn and garage builders with a network of dealers stretching all across the United States, east of the Mississippi. Since 1999, we’ve been proud to bring garages of all sizes and price points to property owners all over! Our signature detached garages are built modularly which means they are primarily constructed in our shop before being transported and finished on your land. Learn the difference between modular built and traditionally built here!
When you inquire with J&N Structures, you’ll receive a free style consultation and price estimate from a dealer near you! Enter your zip code now to get started. We look forward to helping you with the best way to build a garage!